AC4: Blackflag The Review

The Assassin’s Creed Franchise has been one of the predominant action series for the past generation, and with the new consoles on the market it wasn’t a surprise that one of the launch titles would be a new installment in the series. Being one of those milked out franchizes on an annual release schedule, one …

The Wolf Among Us E1 Review

Telltale have delivered an amazing experience last year by bringing us The Walking Dead series, and with Willingham’s Fables adaptation starting off this year, I simply couldn’t control my joy or keep my pants on. I’ve been meaning to write this article for quite some time, but I have been thinking whether to review this …

GTA V: The Review

This title has been on everyone’s mind ever since the fourth installment was over and done with. It’s one of those franchises that regardless the end quality, you’ll have hordes of people stabbing each other to be the first in line once it hits the shelves. But this title had a little twist; it was …