Shape-shifting Touch display unveiled

The MIT Media Lab has unveiled a new interactive peripheral, which will be the stepping stone to tactile interaction over air. The inFORM is basically a table, enclosing a CPU and motor system, which are in turn connected to the surface. The surface is able to change shape three dimensionally, and thanks to a hacked Kinect sensor, […]

The post Shape-shifting Touch display unveiled appeared first on Gadgets Malta.

The post Shape-shifting Touch display unveiled appeared first on Some Guys One Mic.

The post Shape-shifting Touch display unveiled appeared first on Gadgets Malta.

Godzilla for PS3

Bandai Namco are currently working on an upcoming Godzilla title for the Playstation 3. The game will be a mission-based action title in which users will be able to play as Godzilla, destroying buildings and weapons. The special effects, camera angles, and tint of the game is inspired by the original Japanese film series which …