Rumor confirmed NGP is now PSVita

During this year's E3 conference the NGP, now officially named the PS Vita, has been the main focus druring Sony's conference. We have seen a detailed spec list which includes, front and back cameras for augmented reality, front and back touchscreens, dual analogue sticks, OLED touchscreen, and much more. Sony also showed off some titles which will be launched with the PSV including Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Ruin, Modnation Racers and the giant bomb Street Fighter X Tekken which will include Infamous' Cole as a playable character. Almost all third party developers will be supporting the console, and the best feature of the PSV is the cross platform features which include;

  • Cloud saves (game save data utility saved to PSN server to share between consoles)
  • Cross platform play
  • Content and media sharing

Sony have partnered up with AT&T to bring you the 3G model, and the cost price of both models will be $249 or euros for the wifi console and $299 or euros for the 3G model.

We have seen a lot on the PSV and we will have a full in detail discussion next show.