Sony Computer Entertainment CEO, Andrew House, has just announced during the CES key note, that the Gaikai developed video game streaming service, Playstation Now, will be launching later this summer. The service will allow users to stream Playstation, Playstation 2, and Playstation 3 titles over the internet to Playstation 3s, Playstation 4s, Vitas, and non Playstation devices.
Users will be able to rent out games they loved from previous generations or opt-in to a subscription based plan. SCE also plan to launch the service on non Playstation devices, including Bravia TVs and also smartphones and tablets. The service will be launching initially on the Playstation 3 and Playstation 4, and will then make its way to the PS Vita on a later date. The games will support multiplayer gaming, Trophies, and also messaging.