PS4 Delayed in Malta

Today SGOM alongside the Maltese gaming community received some awful news; the local Sony and Playstation agent in Malta will not be selling PS4s on Nov 29 release day thus not honoring the Pre-Orders. Unfortunately here at SGOM we do reviews on our personal consoles, which means we buy them like everybody else.

Perhaps the most upsetting and unprofessional thing is that some clients were given information two weeks ago that the company will be providing PS4s for whoever pre-ordered on day one, but with just 3 days till launch, they announced the bad news. We can understand that as a representative of such a huge corporation they must follow the strict regulations, but they must have had these guidelines a while ago, but for some reason or another they opted not to warn their customer base.

Every other local gaming retailer has secured consoles for their customers who pre-ordered and will be full filling them on November the 29, but it is now too late for all those clients who got a refund from the local Sony agent to get a console from someone else.

Local Sony agent have released a statement on facebook-

'SONY have confirmed that the official release date for PS4 for Malta is early 2014

We are attempting to secure some stock before this date, however at this stage we cannot

guarantee availability before the official date

Those that pre ordered may claim their deposit back WHILST still remaining on the priority

preorder list.'

SGOM would like to apologize to our readers before hand, since we will not be able to provide reviews on launch titles till we get consoles.